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Thank You Dad

Thank You Dad

Dads. They teach us to ride our bikes, play sports, and fix things around the house. Dads teach us to drive cars, embarrass us with dad jokes, and are great examples of how men should treat women.

They wrestle with their sons and endure tea parties with their daughters. Honestly, dads are pretty awesome. Now, just like we touched on with the mother’s day blog, there are cases where dads drop the ball. They walk away from their family, or abuse them. We’re not talking about those dads today. Today, we celebrate the dads that do their job and were there for their family.


Dads Are Heroes

Lots of kids, when they are younger, look up to their dad as their superhero. Move over Superman. In their eyes they are safe with their dad. Their dad can do anything. He slays the monster under the bed or in the closet. He helps us to fly around the house like a superhero. Dads build treehouses, and have snowball fights, call their daughters princess and give great bear hugs. When you’re a kid, dad can do no wrong.


Dads Are Funny

Whether they are tickling you, making silly faces, or just being dad, we can always get a good laugh from him. They can make up stories, tell a joke, or just act silly. Dads know how to be serious when the time comes, but when it’s time to have fun, you better believe that mom is going to hear a lot of laughing coming from the play area. Whether it’s a game that the two of you made up together, or one that is well known, dads can be great at making sure you are having a blast and laughing a lot.


Dads Are Caring

They may not show it like moms, but our dads care a lot about us. Anyone hurts their kids, look out. Oh, you want to date my daughter? Let’s have a conversation first. Son, let me show you how to change a tire. Sometimes it can come across as nosy, or annoying, but they honestly just want to know their kids are going to be alright. When dads get mad, we may not see that under that anger is a lot of fear. What if something bad had happened and they were not there to protect you, or help you? What if you had been hurt? Our dads care a lot, but just show it differently than mom.



Our dads are pretty awesome, even if we don’t always see it. So, this father’s day, why not show dad some appreciation. Take him fishing, or throw a BBQ supper for him. Get him something he has always wanted, or pay for a night away for him and mom to have a special night out. If you’re a mom with younger children, encourage them to make something special for their dad. We hear stories of dads going the extra mile. They go to work all day, come home exhausted, but hide it to play with their kids when they come excitedly to the door to greet him. We hear about dads treating their daughters like princesses and filling their sons with confidence. Our dads deserve to be celebrated, so let’s show them we care this Father’s day. Happy Father’s Day.

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