Time for Easter
Can you believe that we have reached April already? Time sure seems to fly. With April comes a favourite season: Easter. People love Easter for different reasons.
For some, it’s to remember that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead. For others, it means chocolates, candies, and easter egg hunts. No matter what reason you love Easter, there are some things to remember this Easter.
Be with Family:
Many of you are planning Easter Gatherings with family. I want to challenge you to use this time to grow in your family relationships. Reach out to family that you have not seen in a while. Let someone know how much they mean to you. Encourage them. For those who remember the sacrifice of Jesus during this time, remind your kids what Easter means, and that it’s not all about chocolates and bunnies.
Have Fun:
Make this Easter fun. Maybe try something that you have not tried before. Plan a scavenger hunt around town. Paint Easter eggs. Go to an escape room. Have a movie night. There are so many activities to do. Even if you just want to stay in the comfort of your own home, plan some fun games with prizes. Tell stories to each other.
Be Intentional:
These days it is so easy to be glued to our phones. In a time where tik tok and snap chat are everywhere, we are on our phones so much that it can be easy to ignore the world around us. So, I want to challenge you. Put your phone down when you’re with your family. Turn it off if you need to. This is a time to spend with family. Encourage your family to do the same. I bet you all get a bit closer that way.
Reach Out:
There are some people who will be spending Easter alone for one reason or another. Take the time to reach out to them. Bring them a meal, or invite them over for one. Let them know that they do not have to be alone. Everyone should know that they have someone who cares. Put yourself in their shoes; would you want to spend a holiday alone?
We don’t have to make this Easter the same as all the ones before it. It doesn’t have to be “just another gathering.” Have fun, reach out, and let’s show people some kindness this Easter season. After all, the world has enough bad in it. Let’s fight it with a little love. And if you’re reading this and you’re someone who is going to be alone, why not come stay with us? We would love to have you. Happy Easter everyone.
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